Highlights of Day Four
4th July, 2022
The Day started with an affirmation that Duke Wildee is immune from possible eviction this week alongside the Duchess Unique Glo and two others who were outstanding during the Audition Online Votes.
The Royal Court opened for the first time and 2 petitions were presented. The 2nd petition was against Duke Wildee for mocking at Vanny’s Hausa accent. However, Vanee stunned the Court by recanting that she had nothing against Wildee, and that her petition was against ‘Wealth’ and not Wildee. It is assumed that she made a spelling mistake when filing her case. The case is yet to be thrown out, and it has been adjourned to Monday.
Duke Wildee presided over a House Meeting were they did a post mortem of the Court Session. Wildee used the opportunity to admonish them not to take things to heart, because it is not always about winning and that their rising to stardom is tied to knowing someone in the House, and it shouldn’t be taken for granted.
The day ended with a Diary Session where Wildee appreciated everyone including his Family & Friends, especially Pst Karis, GloryZone Family and The Creative Impact Network.
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