One of Nigeria’s finest Jos popular A List Lagos Base producer, Beat Embassy Dynasty (BED) BOSS Elmore Hodus engaged girlfriend Namzena in a grand style
Namzena is one of Jos base top notch female artist
Here is the Engagement story:
Elmore send the Nigerian Police Force to arrest his girlfriend (as part of the engagement process) the arrested her without giving her any reasons, she was in tense, suddenly in tears, wondering what crime she has committed, she was lost in her thoughts and couldn’t control the tears dropping down her chicks, they drove her to a house, immediately they told her to drop out of the Van. Suddenly she saw her beloved Boyfriend, his friends, his team and her friends.
She rushed and grabbed, still sobbing, she hugged him and whisper,
Namzena: what have i done
Elmore: You have been arrested for stealing my Heart
He dip his hands in his pocket and brought a ring and popped the Question
Will You Marry me?
Guess what?
She replied with tears of Joy
Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!
Watch Video below: