JUNE FEST is an annual event by walk with gold geared towards celebrating the model ,fashion industry and other creative form of Art and this is its second Edition.
It aims to celebrate talents and individuals who have contributed immensely to the growth of the brand and the state by awards of acknowledgement, allowing designers showcase their products and models from the brand their skills and technical growth with the aim of the agency’s activities.
Last year’s was successful and this year’s Edition is set out to be extraordinary with fun activities slated for the week of June Fest 2023 is as follows;
24th (Saturday): Pre event @hideout
25th (Sunday 4pm): Main event @sarau Event center.
25th (Sunday night): After party @varlaine.

Most interestingly this year’s edition has paved a way for business to advertise their business as we would be launching a magazine called “the market place” since the brand is known with its influence and impact.
In conclusion, June fest is an experience you shouldn’t miss.
June Fest 2023